Litter Registration is = free plus you get back 25 € for each puppy register with EUPPCC
Transfer from UKC, FCI, FCE, AKC or any other Club or Pedigree to EUPPCC is = €100 National Pedigree
Transfer from UKC, FCI, FCE, AKC or any other Club or Pedigree to EUPPCC is = €150 Export Pedigree
Register dogs with no papers (C Tipe) is = €500 just with DNA Test
We accept any Presa club that really isn't recognized by FCI we can accept as an "initial registration" but if you have an official pedigree like: UKC, FCI, FCE, AVD, or any other club or Pedigree, then they can be transfer to EUPPCC and
get the full generation blood pedigree!!
Allso we can register dogs with no papers from the parents! Pedigree from the Scrach! (C Tipe) Only with DNA Test!
Înregistrarea puiului este = gratuită și primești înapoi 25 € pentru fiecare cățel înregistrat la EUPPCC
Transferul de la UKC, FCI, FCE, AKC sau orice alt club sau pedigree către EUPPCC este = 100 EUR National Pedigree
Transferul de la UKC, FCI, FCE, AKC sau orice alt club sau pedigree către EUPPCC este = 150 EUR Export pedigree
Înregistrarea câinilor fără acte (Tip C) este = 500 EUR doar cu Testul ADN
Acceptăm orice club Presa care într-adevăr nu este recunoscut de FCI, îl putem accepta ca „înregistrare inițială”, dar dacă aveți un pedigree oficial precum: UKC, FCI, FCE, AVD sau orice alt club sau pedigree, atunci acestea pot fi transfer la EUPPCC și
obțineți pedigree-ul întregii generații!!
De asemenea, putem înregistra câini fără acte de la părinți! Pedigree de la Scrach! (Tip C) Doar cu test ADN!
You need Presa Canario Breeder Licence?
International Accredited by UPPCC (UKC), EUPPCC,
We accept any Presa club that really isn't recognized by FCI we can accept as an "initial registration" but if you have an official pedigree like: UKC, FCI, FCE, AVD, La Legion, then they can be transfer to UPPCC and
get the three generation pedigree
Allso we can register dogs with no papers from the parents! Pedigree from the Scrach! (C Tipe)
Litter Registration =free
Temporary puppy registration = €100
Transfer from UKC, FCI, FCE, AKC to UPPCC is = €100
Register dogs with Club Pedigree, any other Registration or no papers (C Tipe) is = €500
It is with great pleasure that we, the United Perro De Presa Canario Club, announce the opening of our newest branch in Europe in effort to expand our reach and services as widely as possible.
We would like to congratulate Seven Sharky of Romania for fulfilling the position of President of Europe United Perro De Presa Canario Club.
European United Perro Presa Canario Club (EUPPCC) was founded in 2021 by Seven Sharky and family. The clubs mission was to introduce the Presa Canario to those enthusiasts who understood and could appreciate the many attributes of this magnificent guardian. Hopefully encouraging prospective breeders to propagate this species according to the clubs "Code of Ethics" and provide a breed registry for all certified Presa Canario dogs.
Do you have other questions? Don’t worry, we have lots of answers.
Just fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.