This is a breed of dog, which responds strongly to loving attention and affection. Once the bonding process begins, the Presa will clearly show its loyalty to all family members, by protecting them and his territory from any threat or aggression, whether from man or beast. This is a sizable companion guard dog who willingly demonstrates love, energy, confidence, and an athletic prowess. So if you are looking for a dog to play hard, jog, exercise and/or relax on command, then consider the Presa as the breed of choice.

The Presa is a dominant dog by nature requiring early socialization and obedience training. As with any young animal or child, they must be taught the boundaries of expected behavior. It is vital you allow all children to handle, feed and play with the Presa pup if the correct bonding is to take place. Of course, any action of this type should always be done with adult supervision. Be sure to invite your child’s friends and neighborhood playmates to come and play with your new pup. When properly socialized as puppies, these loving companion/guardians quickly learn to love people posing no threat to them, their charges or domain. Understandably, you must recognize your small Presa pup will quickly evolve into a large muscular dog with an extremely powerful tail that has been known to sweep young children aside when in a happy mode. There are many reports where Presas are being raised with other pets (dogs, cats, farm animals) and in most cases with favorable results. There are always some exceptions. Remember, the Presa is of an "alpha" mentality. Once they acquire their size of confidence (9 to 12 mos.) they will exhibit their protective status while asserting their "alpha" position. Meaning, if there is another dog in the household of a similar gender and/or is of an "alpha" type breed, then there could be a severe conflict requiring separate feeding and kenneling areas.
These dogs adapt well to all surroundings. Its been reported of Presas residing in hi-rise apartments, condominiums, small homes located on small properties, large estates, farms, ranches and plantations. Keep in mind while the Presa flourishes in most environments, they as a molosser breed will function better with moderate exercise. When offered this minimum amount of exercise and daily amusement, the Presa when arriving back home will be content to be in his place near his owners.
The Presa Canario is extremely intuitive and discriminating in his ability to discern whether you are a friend or someone posing a threat. They are wary of strangers and exhibit a serious deep bark when sounding the alarm to alert his family and ward off the intruder. It should be noted the Presa is very observant and curious; nothing escapes his focused attention. These characteristics identify the Presa as the ideal companion guardian. Regarding their disposition towards other dogs will usually be determined by the attitude and posture of any dog he confronts. Remember part of the Presas heritage is that of a bonifide fighting dog and while classified as working breed they are no less ranked as dog aggressive. Since they are so intelligent and willing to please, this instinct can be controlled through early socialization and training. Schooling your dog will not detract from its ability to defend itself against any uncontrolled aggressive animal or human threat.
The Presa is considered to be dry mouth. But being a molosser breed you can expect a moderate amount of drooling especially after eating or drinking or during exceptionally hot weather. They are probably the least offender of this symptom within the mastiff family. They also tolerate heat fairly well, unlike some mastiffs. As for shedding, the Presa has a short coarse haired coat that has a tendency to shed during seasonal changes (Spring into Summer, Fall into Winter). With the brindle coated dog shedding is almost unnoticeable as opposed to the fawn colored Presa. Grooming with a bath and several brushings will lessen the notice of shedding during the transitional coat change.
Basically the Presa is considered an easy keeper as they adapt well to most all environments. Annual feed costs will vary according to the finished weight of the dog, and the quality of food offered. On average, a well-balanced quality dog food should average between $30 & $50 for 50 lbs., depending on its geographic availability. It is estimated a 100 lb. dog will consume 600 lbs. of food annually, this would require an annual basic food budget of $360 to $500. Veterinary expenses will vary since puppy requirements/visits differ from adult dogs. Another variance in vet costs will be due to their office locations (suburban vs. urban) and population density. Since the Presa is a short-coated, coarse-haired dog, grooming costs will be negligible, (cost of shampoo & conditioners). In fact, most owners perform their own dog grooming. It’s that easy, especially, since the Presa loves water and by the way they are excellent swimmers.
There are several dissimilarities between the Spanish Presa Canario and the American Pit Bull. Based on the Presas head shape, cropped ears and expression one can understand how a novice dog aficionado could make such a remark. First, the Presa is foremost a natural guardian, the Pit is not. Next, consider the size difference, the Presa has a genealogical make-up of dogs offering twice the muscle and bone mass versus the Pit. Their hair coats are completely different, the Pit has a very short coat of fine textured hair, the Presa’s coat is not quite as short as the Pit’s and is of coarse hair. The Presa tail is wide at the base and narrows down to the tip, whereas the Pit Bull has a narrow tail from tip to base. The only link between the two breeds is their heritage back to the Olde Bull-baiting Bulldogge, giving each breed it’s tenaciousness, and it’s gripping ability with a forceful bite pressure.
There are several factors to consider before attempting to purchase, a Presa Canario. First ask yourself - Have you ever owned a large, powerful dog? Are you prepared to devote the time and energy to develop this loyal guardian as your lifetime companion? If your answers were positive then move forward to "Research & Reputation" of Presa Canario breeders here in the United States. Most successful breeders can be identified through their kennel listings in major dog magazines, through internet links or personal websites, and through their affiliation/membership with American Presa Canario registries and/or clubs. You might be considering a breeder because of geographic location or you like the look of his dogs, whatever the case may be, there are questions to consider asking before making your final decision to purchase. Q. How long have they been breeding Presa Canario? Q. How many dogs do they own or have they owned? Q. How many litters/puppies have they produced? Q. Do they provide a written health guarantee, for how long? What are the particulars of the contract? Q. Have they ever had to honor their guarantee? How many times? What were the reasons? Q. Can you visit their kennel? Is it clean? What is the condition of their dogs? Are they approachable? Do they appear stable and confident? Q. What documents are provided with the puppy purchase? A written sale contract? A health certificate from a licensed veterinarian indicating overall health and what vaccinations were given? Identification/registry papers offered with the pup: (EUPPCC, FCI, ACHR, etc.)? Is there support information provided, such as puppy care, feeding, training, ear cropping, etc.? Q. Can the breeder make available a certified 3-generation pedigree of his dogs? Q. Are his stud dog(s) DNA on file? if the answer is yes, with what organization? Q. Is the breeder easily accessible after the initial sale? The number of positive responses should clearly indicate your selection of a reputable breeder and offer your best chance for a quality Presa Canario puppy.
Nothing can bring a greater sense of pride and satisfaction in owning a dog that has earned its Championship tittle in the breed conformation class or any performance event, whether it be in Agility, Obedience, Good Citizenship, Temperament Testing, Weight-pulling, Hog catching and Schutzhund.

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